
Today we had the third annual "Slut Walk", or "Drusluganga", in Reykjavík.
For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, the purpose of the Slut Walk is to protest victim blaming in rape cases. Now that society is waking up to the reality of rape culture, we need to start thinking about this crime in a new way. Instead of trying to rationalize the act by blaming the victim because of the way he/she dressed or how drunk he/she was, we need to focus on the one who performs the act, the rapist, and ask ourselves: "What can we do to prevent rape?"

The answer is simple, to prevent rape we need to teach people the importance of consent, not just to stop if someone says no but also not to start without a clear YES.
Because I have a son, and the majority of rapists are men, I feel I have a tremendous obligation to teach him this and to make sure he understands, which is why I decided to take him with me for the Slut Walk
The fact that he's only four years old and didn't even understand what the walk was about (and cared more about the ice-cream he was eating...) doesn't really matter because I feel that it's never to early to teach someone to actively support a cause, especially one as important as this one. 

The walk today was very successful, a lot of people came and the weather could not have been better! This is definitely going to be an annual thing for me and my son.