Compulsively sensible

I've been trying to change the way I shop - to shop sensibly instead of impulsively or (more accurately) compulsively.
In pursuing this change I've been browsing for items that I perceive as sensible buys, things that aren't subject to a particular passing trend and things that I can get a lot of use out of. 
This has made me incredibly attracted to plain and basic items - classic and timeless fits and patterns and colours that aren't directly associated with any particular season.
I've realised, however, that this doesn't really rule out that many things… at least not in Iceland, where fashion (especially at the end of summer) tends to lean toward the plain and simple side.

I started out very slowly and very sensibly… I bought a very timeless and casual grey jumper, two very different and diverse pairs of high waist jeans and a few button down shirts. 
Very sensible, yes?


click photos for links

However, since I enjoyed buying sensibly so much, I decided to do more if it… and then some more.

It was just a moment ago, while going over all my new sensible things, that I realised that I might need to take a step back, rethink my strategy and divide the two aspects of the concept a bit - focus a little more on the sensible part and a little less on the buying part, since I now suddenly own about 10 button down shirts and at least half of them are white… 

Here are a few, aren't they beautiful? And sensible?

I think I can safely say I have enough button downs for now…